A reminder that the mandated consumption cutbacks take effect today. Rancho California Water District has put together a F.A.Q. regarding how our district is impacted with the state-wide water shortage. In short, RCWD is required to reduce consumption by 36% and the District is asking all customers to reduce outdoor water consumption by 50%. The full F.A.Q. is available to download below, please take time to familiarize yourself with upcoming restrictions and rate changes on water.
June/July Water use efficiency tip-
If your lawn "fades" in the summer, don't panic. Grass becomes naturally dormant during hot, dry periods. It will revive quickly after a good rainfall or when the weather turns cooler.
• One inch of water a week (rain plus supplemental watering) should be plenty. After heavy rain, you may not need to water for 10-14 days.
• Water very early in the morning.
• Never water when it's windy, rainy or very hot.
• Raise the blade level of your mower to 2 -3 inches or more. Longer grass retains more moisture.
• Never water faster than the soil can absorb it. Avoid puddling and run-off.
• Be sure your hose has a shut-off nozzle. Hoses without a nozzle can spout 10 gallons or more per minute.
• Do not apply fertilizer in the summer - new growth requires more water. Apply in early spring and or fall.
• If you have an automatic sprinkler system, make sure the timer or "controller" is set to water each landscape zone efficiently. Program the controller to operate according to the watering needs of your lawn or garden. Better still, install a rain sensor or soil moisture sensor that turns the system off if it’s raining or if moisture is present in the soil.
(Provided by www.ranchowater.com)

California Drought Restrictions FAQ Sheet |