It’s funny how old things come back in style. That is certainly true for furniture nowadays—old is in! People pay top dollar for vintage and retro pieces of furniture. Thrift stores, estate sales, and auctions have never been more popular. Want to create your own “distressed” furniture? Check out these tips below:
READ MORE>> Dear Fairway at Redhawk Owner,
The Association will be doing maintenance on the pavers at all three entries beginning Monday, September 26, 2016. Please be advised of the maintenance schedule below: Monday 9/26/16 - Tioga Street entry & exit Closed 9:00AM-5:000PM. Tuesday 9/27/16 - Tioga Street entry & exit Closed 9:00AM-5:000PM. Wednesday 9/28/16 - Vanowen Lane entry & exit Closed 9:00AM-5:000PM. Thursday 9/29/16 - Vanowen Lane entry & exit Closed 9:00AM-5:000PM. Friday 9/30/16 - Tiburcio Drive entry & exit Closed 9:00AM-5:000PM. Please use another entry or exit during the maintenance. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. No one likes a cluttered house, and a cluttered house is hard to keep clean.
Organizing your home can be a daunting endeavor. Aside from the obvious of getting rid of excess stuff, there are a few things you can do daily that will make your house look and feel less cluttered and more organized. READ MORE>> Please see the attachment below for your copy of the September 12, 2016 General & Executive Session meeting agendas. They will also be posted in the common area at the bulletin board located at the lower Rhine Ave. park. All homeowners are welcome to the General Session Meetings.
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