All homeowners are welcome to the General Session Meetings.
February 8, 2016 General Session Agenda |
February 8, 2016 Executive Session Agenda |
Please see the attachment below for your copy of the February 8, 2016 General & Executive Session meeting agendas. They will also be posted in the common area at the bulletin board located at the lower Rhine Ave. park. All homeowners are welcome to the General Session Meetings.
The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center is warning that this year’s El Niño could be as costly and devastating as the one that drenched California in 1997-98.
Please don’t wait; we encourage you to prepare for this year’s rainy season now. Here are some helpful tips to get you started: 1. Property Clean-Up. Make a general inspection of your entire property area for dead trees, tree limbs, yard debris, outdoor furniture, or other objects that could be blown by storm winds. Clean your property of trash, leaves, paints, grease, debris and other materials that can clog catch basins or drain grates and prevent the free flow of water. It is important not to over-trim trees as improper pruning actually leaves trees more vulnerable. 2. Drains, Drainages and Gutters. Make sure all drains, drainages and gutters are cleared of debris and functioning properly before the storm season. Storm water runoff from impermeable surfaces (e.g., roofs, driveways, and patios) should be directed into a collection system to avoid soil saturation and flooding of adjacent properties and public roads. 3. Retaining Walls. Visually inspect all retaining wall drains, surface drains, culverts, ditches, etc. for obstructions or other signs of malfunction, clear before the storm season, and after every storm event. 4. Slopes. Visually inspect your property and all sloped areas for signs of erosion, deterioration, gullying, surface cracks, slumping etc. Also inspect patios, retaining walls, garden walls, etc. for signs of cracking or rotation. Make necessary repairs. 5. Bare Ground and Freshly Graded Areas. Make sure your property does not have large bare areas which could be sources for mudflows during a storm event. Now is a good time to establish native plants; it may be possible to vegetate these bare areas before the storm season. 6. Natural Water Courses. Diverting, blocking or altering any natural water course(s) or approved drainage is prohibited. For additional helpful tips on Flood Safety and Preparedness, please visit:
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